DAC - Disability Arts Cymru - DAC Art Prize 2022-2023. Emerging Artist Commission: 'Silent Voices' Numbers & Anger
Disability Arts Cymru (DAC) is the lead organisation for Disability Arts in Wales, it is disability-led and focused.
Roz was selected for one of the Emerging Artist commissions for the ‘Alidanio’ Art Prize. Creating two fabrications ‘Silent Voices’ 'Pandemic Numbers' and 'Pandemic Anger' ‘Aildanio’ moment.
"During lockdown I drew my migraines, they became almost impossible to manage (restricted medical treatment). This process of drawing helped managed my condition. These drawings developed into creating masks, first pain portraits, then masks of Isolation, Anger, Rage, Pain – responding to the Pandemic, BLM & climate change protests, our current political situation, the invasion of Ukraine.
My silent rage was not being able to physically protest; many people were enraged, angry and suffering in pain – unable to express their feelings.
We can’t see all these feelings; it does not mean they don’t exist.
I felt, and still feel that I am expressing all the silent rage that many people feel.
The masks are not SELF but a Collective SELF; expressive portraits of a silent society that does not have a voice"…
UNbound - 2021 - 2022 Site Specific Residency at Lady Street Gallery Gardens, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire.
The residency and exhibition by three artists associated with Gwendraeth Arts Lab : Suzie Ross, Roz Moreton and Sian Barlow.
The residency was about attention and joy. An experiment in inhabiting the places which we have a tendency to move through, unseeing. They gathered at the garden throughout the months of September and October in the gardens of Lady Street Gallery and made work in and from the place.
It was an experiment to see what comes from being (together) in a specific place, a specific moment in time – and to make that into an exhibition, fitted to the place. Roz Moreton's focus was to explore was to capture humans and nature imprinting in the space…
Film - UNbound
2023 - Terrain - ‘Mirroring’
Terrain Biennial is a grassroots public art festival that brings artists and neighbours together to put public art on the public spaces of neighbourhoods across the world. www.terrainexhibitions.org
“The quality of light by which we scrutinise our lives has direct bearing upon the product which we live, and upon the changes which we hope to bring about through those lives”
Audre Lorde, Poetry is Not a Luxury (1977)
Roz Moreton's 'Mirroring’ artwork was part of an international collaboration, which shows works by three artists Roz Moreton, Siân Barlow, and California-based Jen Herzig-Smith, who are hosting one another’s self-portraits.
Conversations over recent years, online and in person. By hosting one another’s self-portraits, they are acknowledging our conversations act as mirrors, and that the conversations and the connections they have made with one another hold meaning. These recent years have felt like civilisational thresholds, as well as personal thresholds in each of our lives. Engaging with kindness, and being witnessed by each other, we have been able to move towards seeing ourselves with more clarity.
It is in the long work of self-scrutiny that we can find the deeper material of our dreams, our fears, our desires; and can see clearly our own pain, and within that pain our beauty.
And through this work they are gathering courage, to find ways forward both in our work as artists, and in playing our part locally to bring about positive change in our communities.
Imprinting Landscapes. Ongoing personal residency of the Post Industrial Landscape of Carmarthenshire - Landscape & SELF...
Masks of SELF - response to human imprinting from demolition the Carmathen Bay Power Station & SLAG - pieces inter-woven with nature and man-made fibres.